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5 axis tube CNC laser cutting machine for sale

Laser cutting machines offer several advantages when it comes to tube cutting. Here are some key benefits:

High precision: Laser cutting machines can achieve extremely high levels of precision, allowing for accurate and intricate cuts on tubes. This precision is particularly useful when working with complex geometries or delicate materials.

Versatility: Laser cutting machines can handle a wide range of tube materials, including metals like steel, aluminum, and brass, This versatility makes them suitable for various industries and applications.

Non-contact process: Laser cutting is a non-contact process, which means that the laser beam doesn’t physically touch the tube being cut. This eliminates the risk of material deformation or contamination, ensuring clean and precise cuts without causing damage to the tube.

Minimal material waste: Laser cutting minimizes material waste because the narrow laser beam produces a small kerf width (the width of the cut). This allows for efficient use of the tube material and reduces costs associated with material waste.

Speed and productivity: Laser cutting machines are known for their high cutting speeds, which can significantly increase productivity compared to traditional cutting methods. The ability to perform fast, continuous cuts makes laser cutting ideal for large-scale production or projects with tight deadlines.

Automation and customization: Laser cutting machines can be integrated into automated systems, enabling efficient and repeatable tube cutting processes. Additionally, laser cutting allows for easy customization and quick changes to designs, making it suitable for prototyping or short production runs.

Minimal post-processing: Laser cutting produces clean and precise cuts, reducing the need for extensive post-processing or secondary operations. This can save time and resources, making the overall manufacturing process more streamlined and cost-effective.

Max diameter300mm400mm500mm600mm800mm
Max width212mm282mm353mm425mm565mm
Length choose6/12 meter
laser cutting head

5 axis tube CNC laser cutting machine cut all steel shapes

tube cutting shapes


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